Lvxferre [he/him]

The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024

  • The thread itself is a shitfest that boils down to idiocy on the same level as “is tomato a fruit or a vegetable?” and “ackshyually water is not wet it wets things”. And that includes both your comment and the comment that you’re replying to. Specially the later, as the guy found some weird hill to die on.

    Even then, PTB. As typical for lemmy dot ml.

    I’ll also address what estefano is saying in another comment in the same thread, as it’s outright misinformation:

    In Brazil, we use USians or Statesians

    Most people in the territory controlled by Brazil refer to people in the territory controlled by USA as “americanos” (lit. “Americans”). People who call them “estado-unidenses” (lit. “United-Statians”), like I do, are a minority. And people certainly do not call them by anything remotely translatable as “USians” (EUAnos? That sounds awful*) or “Statesians” (estadenses?).

    I used the second one on an academic paper and it went through.

    You can submit a lot of crap on academic papers and it’ll still go through. Welcome to Latin America. No, even better - welcome to the world in 2025, the institutions supposed to defend science against the Sturgeon’s Law are busier counting money than doing their job.

    As such, “they accepted it” is NOT grounds to claim shite.

    Ma que djanho.

    *EUAnos sounds like “eu ânus” [I anus] for most Portuguese speakers. (It doesn’t for me but it gets really close.)

  • PTB for sure.

    Anti-religious sentiment is something that a lot of people get really, really wrong here. Because they don’t understand the difference between three things:

    1. The religion itself - a set of moral and epistemic beliefs, rituals, behaviours. e.g. “Christianity”
    2. The religious community - people who claim to follow #1. e.g. “Christians”
    3. Religious institutions - a power structure using #1 to rule over #2. e.g. “the Catholic Church”.

    OP is clearly criticising #3 and only #3. That’s completely fine. Discrimination would target #2 instead. And it’s clear that rule 4 is about discrimination, otherwise “anti-religious sentiment” wouldn’t be lumped alongside homophobia, racism, etc.

    Amend community rule 4 to remove the reference to religion. WTF is it doing there as a rule in a news community in the first place? Is LW being run as a theocracy now?

    Ideally this should be amended in a way that people can still criticise #1 and #3 just fine, but doesn’t let you to target people based on their religion or lack of. Things like [for example] “Christians are all disgusting and rotten” should still not be allowed; but things like the mod’s comment towards Atheists should not either.

    …in any other instance I’d propose people to escalate the issue to the admins, but given LW’s tendency to screech at people not willing to put up with crap, that is likely useless.