Hard to say without knowing which method you used to install HomeAssistant.
But I never found mdns .local addresses to be very reliable. They work 80-90% of the time, but the remaining 10-20% are a hassle.
Instead I’d recommend you install PiHole (in a docker container is easiest). PiHole is a DNS server intended for network-level ad-blocking. But it also have a handy feature of defining local DNS entries, so you can have HomeAssistant.myhome or HomeAssistant.whatever (.local should not be used with PiHole local DNS because .local is meant for mdns)
Hard to say without knowing which method you used to install HomeAssistant.
But I never found mdns .local addresses to be very reliable. They work 80-90% of the time, but the remaining 10-20% are a hassle.
Instead I’d recommend you install PiHole (in a docker container is easiest). PiHole is a DNS server intended for network-level ad-blocking. But it also have a handy feature of defining local DNS entries, so you can have HomeAssistant.myhome or HomeAssistant.whatever (.local should not be used with PiHole local DNS because .local is meant for mdns)