Honestly as a parent with a kid that has life threatening food allergies I can’t beleive a crazy man is actually making our lives easier…
…at least until we all die of a easily cured disease he kills funding for.
Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.
Mastodon: [email protected]
Honestly as a parent with a kid that has life threatening food allergies I can’t beleive a crazy man is actually making our lives easier…
…at least until we all die of a easily cured disease he kills funding for.
I removed the buttons completely and was still having issues so it isn’t the reset button being pressed that is the problem.
I think it might be that the case is carbon fiber infused which can be conductive and maybe its actually grounding something.
Thinking maybe that is it. So I removed the buttons (its a 3d printed case with the two buttons connected together. Still see the issue.
So then I tried plugging in the battery while the board was out of the case. Booted just fine. While staying plugged in and with the buttons removed I pushed the board back into the case and all good…until I hit the reset button and now it is back in a power cycle loop. This is so weird.
under USB power with no battery it still occurs. Looking like an odd case issue.
I’m 99% sure its due to the 3d print being carbon fiber infused. Just conductive enough that possibly a later on the PCB is touching and shorting. Works find out of the case, its currently been up for 30 mins just bare board and a battery. But as soon as its in the case with no buttons it starts acting up.
Going to stop at the store in the morning to find a spray on sealant to see if I put a thin layer on the inside of the case does the issue go away. Then we will know.