All European culture? I don’t know, all I know is I cringe whenever white people talk about ancestry even when it’s innocent. Like it or not mine is the face of fascism no mater what.
All European culture? I don’t know, all I know is I cringe whenever white people talk about ancestry even when it’s innocent. Like it or not mine is the face of fascism no mater what.
Mainly the viking age, except for the fact that you know who Charlemagne is.
Now imagine if you play imperial guard. I feel like I am the only fan who understands IG. Its about people living under a cruel unwieldy empire that is utterly indifferent to their lives with almost no way out. Your entire world with all it rich history and unique culture can be wiped out in a second. And it wont mean a thing. Shit like that is what makes IG cool
Its true for most white culture. Nazis own us no mater what we do, think, feel or believe.
Dude, you can genetically modify a race to live shorter lives, taste good and make them more subservient and weaker. That shit is beyond genocide. From chattel to cattle.