We can use @[email protected] 's suggestion and ballistically “send” eggs that are already rotten…
We can use @[email protected] 's suggestion and ballistically “send” eggs that are already rotten…
ICE is under extreme pressure from the White House to ramp up enforcement. Top ICE officials, including the newly installed acting director, were re-assigned within weeks of Trump taking office, allegedly over frustrations that detentions and deportations weren’t rising fast enough.
I think this is really the main cause. Trump envisioned that once he took office, he would flush the millions of illegals who voted for Biden in 2020 like rats. (I picked that analogy on purpose, he thinks they’re sub-human).
The problem is that those people simply don’t exist. They never tried to vote (because that is a sure ticket to getting kicked out permanently, after spending time in jail). But most immigrants that are easy to find are the legal kind.
So, when ICE simply couldn’t find the vermin in the numbers Trump wanted, he fired them all and put in new people willing to go farther. So now, any non-citizen is suspect (as well as citizens who don’t “look like” citizens). This is going to continue to escalate. This will turn into a major diplomatic problem. Other countries will need to start denying automatic visas to US citizens. Trump won’t pay attention until his Corporate masters yell at him for making it so they can’t just jet off to Europe whenever they want.
European Diplomats should send real eggs, personally and ballistically, direct to the White House. I think that would send the proper message.
Yes, Cuomo was forced out, but he is attempting a comeback by running for Mayor of NYC against Eric Adams. Aren’t there any non-shitty Democrats in the city who want that job?
The Senate has some weird rules. The vote to approve the bill itself only needed a simple majority. But in order to hold that vote, you first need to hold a different vote to declare that everyone is done talking, and they should just get on with the actual vote already. That vote is what needed 60/100.
The actual vote ended up 54/46, with 2 Democrats voting for it and Rand Paul voting against it (I guess he really doesn’t like these “kick-the-can” resolutions)
Looks like this is the roll call from the first vote (cloture) which needed 60: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1191/vote_119_1_00128.htm
And this is the actual vote: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1191/vote_119_1_00133.htm
Note that Schumer voted “no” on the actual bill, but “yes” on the vote to have a vote.
It’s because the President is letting him do it. In many cases, he is exceeding what the President has the lawful authority to let him do, but Congress is also letting him do it.
It’s bad enough that Congress is ceding its power to the Presidency, but even worse that they are both enabling this asshat.
That assumes the dollar doesn’t take a permanent tumble. If the world decides the US is too volatile and starts using the Euro as their reserve currency, we may find the US market never actually recovers, since so much of the value of our companies are tied in with their leadership abroad
Remember, past performance is not an indicator of future results. Just because every past downturn ended and pushed US stocks higher at some point, doesn’t mean it will always happen, particularly as we piss off our closest allies.
Goldman Sachs’ chief economist just earned himself a tropical vacation, funded by the US government, to its Guantanamo Bay resort…
Violence never solves problems, it only replaces them with new ones. However, at certain times in human history, violence has been used to replace an unsolvable problem with several solvable ones.
All 22 of these students should get their money back
Well. Yeah, you can buy citizenship now for $5m each