ah don’t worry about that, lots of it is online now :3
🏳️🌈 hi there, i’m blake! i’m a silly gay bear 🌀
ah don’t worry about that, lots of it is online now :3
thank you for the explanation, it was really interesting and in-depth! you should be a teacher!
i would completely dismantle the economy, the police force, the military, prisons, and the government. i would cease the recognition of all countries and borders.
but yes you’re right, i’m willing to use violence to make the world a better place, because i believe that i’m right, and i’m not scared of sacrificing all that i have and all that i am to achieve that.
i wouldn’t be able to peacefully retire, of course, i would need to be brought to justice for my crimes, but i would gladly accept the punishment, because it’s the right thing to do, and i know i would reduce the suffering of billions.
oh wow, i didn’t realize that, i thought it was infinitely reusable just by melting and re-forming it. thank you really much for the explanation.
what you wrote reminded me of silly putty, it’s really stretchy and elastic to start with, but if you play with it for a while, it starts to be less elastic and breaks apart.
does metal also break down? i’m thinking about like aluminium cans that are used for soda and stuff like that
i still think you’re assuming what my actual, real-life views are from a silly what-if scenario! i am never gonna be in control of anything more powerful than a barbeque.
but if somehow i got to mind control the president or something, yes, i’d take advantage of that brief control to eliminate as many capitalists as possible
i’m not going to get into a debate about it, because i have better things to do, sorry.
i would agree that the USSR was socialist, but very quickly stopped being so, and now it is capitalist. that’s not what i call a success.
permenent? can’t plastic get melted down and recycled again?
once i put some plastic container in the dishwasher and it got too hot, it kind of melted a bit. it didn’t totally melt but the lid doesn’t fit anymore.
i dunno if it was injection molded though
any marxist who thinks that the USSR or China is an example of a successful revolution is either ignorant, delusional, or worst of all, a tankie.
they had some early successes but were immediately co-opted. motherfuckers need to learn about permenent revolution.
now neither country is socialist, both are imperialist and well on their way towards fascism
yeah, the USSR and China are not examples of successful revolutions, neither of those countries are communist
yeah you’re not a leftist, you have no fucking idea what fascism is if you think what i wrote was fascistic, lmfao
violence against oppressors isn’t fascism, it’s justice.
don’t get me wrong, if the choice for a non-violent revolution is there, i would take it every time.
but if, somehow, i magically became the president without any kind of revolutionary effort, that’s what i would do, and i would be totally justified in doing so
yes, i am. i know how horribly evil capitalism is and i would gladly make that sacrifice.
uhhh, maybe you should?
left wingers have zero respect for laws and will make the world better and fairer by any means necessary.
as a leftist if I somehow got control of the state I would immediately order for the rounding up and execution of every single person in the country who is either a corporate executive for a top-250 corporation or in possession of assets worth 100 million or more.
because that would be the most efficient way of rapidly reducing the risk of the wealthy wresting back control.
and it would be totally ethical
as for gandhi and MLK, well, india is a fascist dictatorship and, well, how are things looking for black people in the US?
i wouldn’t be trying to will socialism into existence, though, i’d just be having a little fun :3