There’s an actual commercial product that does this. It even meets UL and CSA standards.
There’s an actual commercial product that does this. It even meets UL and CSA standards.
The new leader will replace Trudeau as PM; he said he’d step down as PM once the leader is elected. It’s just that the same day this happens, parliament will come back in session and almost certainly bring this new government down in a vote of non-confidence. The new leader will stay PM over the course of the campaign period.
Edit: The new government being voted down isn’t as much of a certainty. The NDP have walked back their promise to do so; not sure about the Bloc. Either one could prop up the Liberals.
Not 200 years. The last major conflict was the War of 1812 but relations weren’t rosy until the Great Rapprochement starting around 1895. The period inbetween saw the Fenian Raids, Patriots’ War, Britain’s tacit support of the Confederacy and the Trent Affair, and disputes around the Oregon Country and Alaska border. Hell, Confederation happened mostly because of fears of the US’s growing power after its civil war.