He will just rape his wife and make another hate -baby.
Problem solved.
He will just rape his wife and make another hate -baby.
Problem solved.
Once Cheeto-Christ is allowed to rampage his way down his list of enemies, I’m sure the Amish and Mennonites are hovering just after ‘gypsies’ (Romani) in the Purge Order.
He must have been a sinner, in that case. Mennonites tend to have enough children to tend to a farm, then they have enough children to attend to those children.
It’s not so bad if one is taken by disease, you just make another one and hope it’s less weak.
Women love bearing children, so it is they who are blessed in the end.
I have a feeling his spine would be too weak to provide enough friction to properly cleanse ones rectum, but I appreciate the gesture all the same.
I haven’t had a TV in a while. Has the History Channel switched from being the Hitler Channel to the Freak Show/Family Reality Meltdown channel?
Kerosene or high proof alcohol works as well. Shoving some Styrofoam into the bottle before you fill it for bonus points if you have the time.
I spent must of my youth fascinated by knives, still am, and this got me into classical metal working. By the time I was 18 I had built a pretty decent working forge in my mom’s backyard.
Shortly after 9/11 I took a week long class in bladesmithing in Arkansas. Outside of Blade Forums and the occasional knife show, I’d never really interacted with other knife people. Not a whole lot going on in my large northern city.
The way those bastards talked openly about anyone that wasn’t white or Christian turned my stomach. I pretty much kept to myself, it hung out with the one chill hippy from Oregon, or the eternally gob-struck British blacksmiths apprentice (You sell GUNS in a GROCERY STORE?!)
I learned a lot on that trip. Nowadays I don’t bring up my knife hobby because I sure as shit don’t want to be mistaken for one of those ignorant cretins.
Let’s get all the first through third generation German Americans into Freedom camps just to be safe. Maybe have a few in Death Valley for the natives that don’t appreciate their Land gifts in Oklahoma that are selfishly hogging mineral rich lands. /S