I wasn’t talking about you specifically, but you’re absolutely right, you don’t have to justify anything.
At the same time, there is no lemmy rule that people can’t ask you why did you post this article? Do you agree/disagree? Is this your opinion and if so how do you come to that conclusion?
And if you can’t or won’t answer, if you don’t discuss topics you bring up in a discussion area, then people are going to conclude you’re not actually here to “express your opinion”, but for some other reason.
Yea, that’s why I wasn’t talking about you specifically.
Exactly. The card says moops.
But I did read the sidebar and the first thing it says is that this is a place for discussion. So if a whole buncha ppl coming here and dropping off “news articles” with no discussion whatsoever, what else am I supposed to think but that these are propaganda bombs meant to disrupt reality and push a false alt-right nazi narrative? Cuz that’s what it looks like.