They’re gatekeeping what it means to be trans. It’s so painfully obvious, c’mon dude. It actually makes me really sad to see you saying this.
They’re gatekeeping what it means to be trans. It’s so painfully obvious, c’mon dude. It actually makes me really sad to see you saying this.
I wore my opossum tail during family Christmas. No one cared. I wore my collar. No one cared. I wore my furry stuff and carried my plushies around and despite being 30yrs old, you know, the age well beyond the point where you’re supposed to have grown out of that stuff, no one cared. This was in Texas.
You know why I wore my opossum tail and collar? Because at the end of the day I feel like I have an opossum’s soul and it honestly feels really weird not to wear them. I’m fucking skrunkly and constantly worried about everything. Did I make a big deal out of it though? No. I just lived my life the way I wanted to and no one had a problem with it. The reason I don’t use neopronouns has nothing to do with their validity, I simply find them awkward. However I will not tell someone they are invalid or they shouldn’t use them themselves.
Oh, and before you try to tell me I’m invalid, I’m AMAB. I’m trans in more than one way.
If my parents and grandparents can understand it or at least learn to accept it, so can your average person. We’re being true to ourselves. We’re living our lives the way we see fit. We are alive, at least for now, and I will stand my ground because I’m not a pussy-ass bitch who’d sell out my friends and family to make a bigot happy.
If you want to hurt yourself to make the cis people happy, then go knock yourself out, I suppose. However I’d appreciate it if you’d do it a nice, safe distance away from my family, friends and I; which means queer safe spaces don’t seem like your speed.
Me? I’ll be encouraging my friends and family to thrive and be the people they’ve always wanted to be.
I’m sorry you’ve never had anyone to give you that strength.
I’m trans too, so it doesn’t matter how many times you say you’re trans sweetheart. That’s not gonna work. Furthermore, unlike you, I’ve decided not to let the cis people define who I am. If it wasn’t the otherkin and therians then it’d be someone else they’d be demanding we remove. I remember when people said enbies weren’t valid. So some people decided to try to exclude enbies from the definition of being trans and you know what happened? The leopards turned around and ate their faces once they were done feeding on the enbies.
Why do you care what cis people think? That’s the only reason why you’d care. That’s literally the only reason why you’d give a shit is if you think being trans is some kinda fucked up badge of pride or if you’re trying to tame transness for the poor, sensitive cis people. Lemme tell you, the leopard will never cease to be hungry sweetheart. Grow up and quit caring about what the cis bigots think. Stop helping them to be bigots. They’ll come for us sooner or later, doesn’t matter how many people you throw under the bus.
And yes, I’m being condescending because you’re acting like a child, trying to tell everyone how to play the game because a bunch of bullies once told you how you were supposed to play it. Do you know what those bullies are called? Fascists. Do you know what we do with fascists? I’ll give you a hint, we don’t sit down and drink tea with them. Fascists are not worth the air they breath. Stop feeding them. Until you do, you are no better than they are.
If this isn’t gatekeeping, then what is it? Sparkling “just asking questions”? This is what gatekeeping is, sweetheart. It’s a form of bigotry in which you tell someone, either directly or through implied statements, that their identity isn’t valid. No wonder you got banned from a queer safe space. It doesn’t matter how trans or gay you are, perpetuating the cycle of abuse will get you banned from queer safe spaces.
If you’re unable to fathom the possibility that someone could have an identity that doesn’t make sense to you, grow up. There are a lot of things that people do which seem silly in life but are an integral part of who they are. Grow the fuck up.
Edit as a warning to cis allies for this comment chain: I was a bit sloppy with my aim, sorry if you caught a stray bullet.
I was curious why you’re being so evasive.
This is called gatekeeping people’s identities. That is what you’re doing. You are engaging in bigotry so yeah, of course you’re going to get banned from a queer safe space. It doesn’t matter how trans or gay you might be, if you’re practicing bigotry then you’re part of the problem. You’re part of the reason these safe spaces exist to begin with.
If you can’t deal with the idea that someone might have an identity that you can’t understand, then you need to grow up.
Stop perpetuating the cycle of abuse.
The fact that someone who’s supposedly trans isn’t able to understand that they are continuing the exact cycle of abuse that cis people have been pushing onto trans people is very sad. How lucky you must be to have never been doubted or told that your identity is fictional.
I’m gonna have to go through his profile and see if that’s true at some point. If so, that’s very disappointing. I woulda thought that a furry, of all people, would understand why gatekeeping is a bad thing.