I’m not waiting for them to change. I’m busy with my own stuff. People are telling you to modify your behavior. You are rejecting that. Do you.
I’m not waiting for them to change. I’m busy with my own stuff. People are telling you to modify your behavior. You are rejecting that. Do you.
I’m neither admin nor mod. My strength and power lies in controlling me. I report particular nastiness when I see it.
Nope. I upvote that user’s comments when they seem reasonable, downvote when they aren’t. We learn from each other and rethink our own positions when called out by each other. If that user chooses not to rethink their position, that’s on them.
Yep. We live with that user. I’m not a member of that community because I already know. I do read there occasionally.
We’ll see if Dems vote for this so they can “use” it.
Someone who knows what it’s like to be mistreated based on race using race as an excuse to mistreat someone else and someone else is pretty sad.
Mfw a minority smirks in the mugshot at having kidnapped and raped another minority group member.
TIL universities are small businesses. $7.5 mn is the _generally_accepted income limit for small businesses? Will tuition and book prices align accordingly? I’m not being funny, I just don’t see Ivy League tuition at $75-85 k per year, per student fitting into that model.