this will be for non whites
Don’t forget the most important part of that statement.
for now.
this will be for non whites
Don’t forget the most important part of that statement.
for now.
Not sanctioned by Congress
Then the answer is no. That’s what being a nation of laws means. Doesn’t matter if Congress has abdicated their duties. No formal declaration of war, no new powers.
Now likely what you mean is that we’ve left the notion that we are a nation of laws, then yes. Laws have stopped having any kind of meaning for the President.
For those wondering.
50 USC § 21
Whenever there is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government
Literally the first words in the law Trump attempted to use to deport these people. Congress has not declared any war, this is literally our Government falling apart at this point. Congress will do nothing to reel this President who violates the laws on a daily basis.
We are never recovering as a Nation from this. This kind of violation of the order of law in our nation will take a century to heal if not more. The United States as it was is gone, full stop.
I couldn’t say if this guy is going to have a sixth term after this, but he’d be wise to start looking at retirement options. I didn’t think New York will forget this come 2028.
We obtained what we sought but at what loss?
At this rate the leopards are going to need to speak with a nutritionist about how to better balance their diet and daily exercise.