2 hours agoThey get £675 a month max. As low as £138
And please remember pip has nothing to do with work. Employed people can get it. It is designed to cover the extra costs disabled people face interacting with society as a whole. And dose not come even close to covering it for most. Transport alone has gone up way way past the amount covered. In the last few years taxis have more then doubled in cost.
An out right lie. Austerity is the method of achieving this by reducing spending rather then increase revenue. Tax increases have never been considered an austerity measure.
Considering this orgs bias is entirly about not haveing to pay higher taxes. That is a very deceitful definition they are using. One intentionally designed to ignore the actions labour have taken they disagree with. A disgusting attempt to change language to suit their own agenda.
Unbiased as possible (not me of course but trying to be language wise)
Yes some of the actions labour has taken and propose are def austerity based.
And most if not all actions tories used were austerity or wished for growth often promoted by austerity. Plus the tories favorite non proportional tax. VAT.
While tories did attempt to increase revenue via VAT and NI. That was not critisized as austerity. Just accused of class warfare (or lesser ways of saying much the same) as these taxes effect those without extra income or assets much more drematically then the wealthy.
Because media often critisized austerity and non proportional taxation in the same language. Of effecting lower incomes more then higher. This article is intentionally and falsely trying to change the language.
Openly Biased
Tories have always been fuck the poor and claim the rich support them. If the actual data fails backs it up. Yhey have to manipulate it using there fav compare numbers not propotions trick.
Right wing Labour while fighting for the same voters and support. Is only marginly better in the fact they are trying to tax some assets.( Land inheritance including Farms) while farmers refuse to admit higher taxation was the only reason this land was kept as personal owned rather then placed in an LTD in the first place. Farms have been acway for wealthy to hide inheritance for a long while. While actually running the farm as a land company rather then separating out the land as a personal possession would protect it from inheritance while increasing taxation during running.
Many farmers outright refuse to admit to themselves they have been benifiting over other corperations for decades.