Don’t post the directions to my house
Don’t post the directions to my house
With the citric acid and limonene I’d venture to say it could do something
What are people using the $200 plan for that makes it worth it? You only get their model with their training, you don’t have any access to weights or training. And with how nerfed openai makes its models, nothing even remotely nefarious can be done with it. All you can do is process simple data. Which having a purposed trained model seems the most valuable for.
Are kids growing up now really unaffected by the bullshit of the last 10 years? At a minimum they went trough the panademic which I can imagine what impact that had on school and socialization. I would have loved 2 years of online classes, but that level of isolation would’ve made me even weirder than I am, and I’m borderline too weird. Do they understand the scale of what trump is doing? I understood Bush was bad at the time, but this is nothing like that. The US went from Obama to full blown Nazis in less than a decade.