It’s an unfortunate truth that vegan children are simply too powerful for their parents to handle. The vegan diet gives kids unparalleled strength and telekinetic powers. As such they need to be raised in the Jedi temple on coruscant.
I’m here to be cute and be inflammatory. Lemmy is a dumpsterfire and I am a pyromancer raccoon.
It’s an unfortunate truth that vegan children are simply too powerful for their parents to handle. The vegan diet gives kids unparalleled strength and telekinetic powers. As such they need to be raised in the Jedi temple on coruscant.
Yeah I should have clarified that when I said “that sounds incredibly low” I wasn’t talking about relative to other countries I was talking about my perception of how many vacant homes there were in china. Before reading the article I thought it was wayyyy more than that.
Anectodatally I’ve heard similar things from people who have visited china and talked to locals who would complain about the quality (primarily the aesthetics and lack of individuality) of buildings there. I feel the solution to that problem is actually building more/ different houses though ironically.
Wait only 17% of new buildings are unoccupied?
That seems incredibly low. I don’t like to give China too much credit but framing this as a problem seems disingenuous. Like people are literally struggling to find places to live in the english speaking world and I’m supposed to think that having an entirely reasonable excess of housing is a bad thing. Tbh economic and environmental stressors be damned I think it’s way more important that people have a place to live.
Bartender, no community that I’m aware of but it’s a tradition to visit the cocktail communities and laugh/ rage at the the pretentious cocktail snobs there.