We all knew he would. And he’ll suffer no repercussions for his crime.
We all knew he would. And he’ll suffer no repercussions for his crime.
It’s pretty simple actually. Do you live in an area where Sinclair controls the local media? It’s easy to cast aspersions at these people’s intelligence. Pretending like they are somehow working hard to avoid all the evidence and information that we’ve seen. When the truth of the matter is. They’re not avoiding anything. They’re simply living in a toxic swamp unaware. Their local broadcast stations telling them how evil Democrats are and how wonderful Trump is. Facts and Truth never really make it to them. And they are denied the ability to be basically informed. Without going against their communities and family. Seeking external information and questioning what everyone else perceives as real.
It’s a hell of a trap these cancerous capitalists have managed to erect.
For those of us that grew up with the TV show, no. John Astin literally named the character he played. Before the television show the characters didn’t all have names.
The movies are fine, and there’s nothing wrong if you enjoy them. But for myself John Astin and Carolyn Jones are the iconic couple. But then I was born over a decade before the movies. But just two years after the television shows 1975 Halloween special. So it may be a generational thing.
Obligatory Orwell quote
Stalin, Lenin, and Mao among others like Hitler and McCarthy proved the efficacy of the propaganda technique. If you control the message you control the people. A common feature and issue of authoritarian groups.
Oliver is a pretty good entry point. Then again so is Sam cedar. Although the recent episode of Jubilee He was on is enough to drive any sane person mad. He pretty well owned everyone he spoke against. But they were so smug and ignorant they thought they were winning the whole time. But the majority report is generally fairly upbeat and informative. Sam and his co-host pretty well know what they’re talking about and are decent presenters
You will not be able to pull any of that sort of information as a regular user off of a site like reddit. You would at the very least need moderator access if not administrator access.
You don’t know who, what, or even if I voted for anything lol. Which only goes to further prove my claim against you. You could always choose to quit acting ignorant and childish. But that’s up to you. But seeing as you appear to be part of the group unrepentant at expanding said genocide. All your accusations are protection. 😁
Bless your hyperbolic, disingenuous heart.
Fetterman was always fake. The people in his hometown know. It’s just that against an even worse fake he can still look okay