Enthusiastic sh.it.head
From what I hear, generally not worth it. Folks into it are either reckless, or very experienced with drugs, have done a ton of research, and want to experience it for themselves mostly to say they’ve tried it.
The risk/reward ratio makes them unappealing to me (though kinda interested in having someone modern talk about trying reindeer/other-animals-who-may-snack-on-them urine, which apparently retains some of the psychoactive components with the nastier stuff metabolized by the animal. But a) They’re still drinking urine, and b) I’d be kinda pissed if someone deliberately fed them to a domesticated animal to do this, which makes it difficult to obtain).
I feel like we always have been - the Trudeau Sr. quote comes to mind:
Living next to you [The U.S.] is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.
Only more so now that said beast is trumpeting, stomping its feet and shitting everywhere.