“Western lies.”
“Western lies.”
It’s important to note the police are currently the people who bring individuals in for the 72hr mental health holds.
I think it is also important to note that it appears many of these officers are not wearing Level IV plates daily, and plainclothes cops may not be wearing any vest at all.
Losers and suckers, that’s what Trump thinks of every single person buried there in his own words, regardless of their identity.
He probably thinks it would make a nice golf course if only we weren’t so touchy-feely and weak.
Like that Texit moron who mentioned “warm water ports” as a strength of Texas.
I won’t say that this isn’t good advice, but I’ve always thought the subtext of this advice was
Please keep your money in The Market so we can keep leveraging it.
Please keep your confidence in The Market.
PLEASE don’t start a run on our banks and clearing houses.
Trying to time the market is risky, but ignoring your money isn’t zero-risk either. Nothing grows forever no matter how much Capitalism insists it does.
I said before that if Ukraine capitulates, they will throw every Ukrainian that has so much as spit shined a boot for the UAF into a labor camp. They will definitely need the manpower from such an enslavement after sacrificing so many of their own lives.
Check back in 10 years to make sure this woman isn’t either dead or had her sentence surreptitiously extended.
They don’t need to introduce anything, involuntary commitment is already a question on form 4473 and something a NICS check would flag.
Of course, they would still need to physically retrieve any firearms they may have. Unless they planned on handing them over peacefully.