Without fail the class would end a few minutes early. As soon as I started making the sounds it was like dominoes. Ten minutes left in the lecture but everyone has all their stuff put away and are putting their coats on. I think of this often. May this knowledge set you free a few minutes early.
Bro please 😭 This is Redditor behavior
This is common behavior, people just have underdeveloped brains under 25 and are clueless. the younger the folks the more likely but op claims they already should be past that so looks like they have some developmental delays
Typically redditor behavior is learning one or two things about someone and then making grand claims about who the person is or what they do. It’s some seriously delusional shit, childish shit. Grow up.
You are just here to spark drama, seems like a waste of time but you do you
Again, you don’t know me or why I’m here. Another poster said they did the exact same thing someone replied that they were funny while I’m an asshole. Wtf?
As a former teacher, fuck you asshole
as a former student, actually, fuck you too
it makes sense that you so smugly declare this knowledge, “people can hear me”. wow. and of course “being rude is contagious”. well right back at you, prick.
no I’m not joking. you brag about being an asshole, I’m going to treat you like an asshole
Wahhhhhh 😭
What a waste of time and money, and holy unbelievably disrespectful. If it’s not undergrads just playing on their phone or computer the whole time they do this. Why even go to college?
To get into grad school.
Do you run away from your masters too😭
I didn’t run away from anything. No. I did all the reading and finished 3rd in grad school, juris doctor. Be more salty.
Blatant disregard towards professors and whomever paid for college is just ridiculous. Sorry you disagree.
Also who is ranking how you finish in a masters? lol finishing 3rd
Law schools are ranking how people finish like what?
You’re already this sleazy and not even out of law school yet, you’ll make an excellent lawyer.
What? I’ve been out for a long time and already had and still have a very successful career, now self employed.
You were paying for that time that you wasted.
I got my money worth and then some.
It’s college. You’re literally paying to be there so you’re short changing yourself and your classmates.
If want to leave early, get the fuck up and go. You’re an adult. Act like it.
College adjunct instructor checking in:
Your teacher is human. They are there because they want to help you get the information that you need to be a successful person as an individual and in society. They see the class packing up early and it really stings because they care about you and their subject’s impact on the world.
If you don’t want to be an educated member of a democracy, just save yourself the student loan bills and don’t come in the first place.
First place is exactly what I came in.
getting good grades has taught you to excuse shitty behavior. i wonder how you’ll react to this negative feedback. i bet you’ll call us all apes. it’s easier to dismiss than reflect. anyway bye Felicia
Yeah maybe. Nah, I can reflect.