Scarlett Johansson says she was asked by movie studio Universal to join Instagram for ‘Jurassic World: Rebirth’ publicity and explains why she declined.
Wow, that shit about the casts total follower count affecting casting decisions is fucking depressing.
Thank you, Ms. Johansson. Let us all continue to shun Meta and all it’s products.
Despite not joining, she does acknowledge the potential from a business angle, having appeared in her skin-care company’s The Outset’s Instagram feed. “I’m totally there. It’s funny and fun and minimally invasive,” she explained.
so it’s okay as long as it’s your cosmetics company preying on people’s insecurities.
It’s because a cosmetics company is selling a product.
If someone follows/responds/interacts with a cosmetics company, there is no confusion about what you’re interacting with. Even if you disagree with the cosmetics industry as a whole, there is no question who you are talking to. If Scarlett Johansson posts something about herself on the cosmetics page, you should never be confused that you’re talking to an ad.
But if Scarlett Johansson has an Instagram page and that page talks about the new Jurassic Park film, now you view Scarlett Johansson as an ad. And I get that, no one wants to see themselves as an ad. Don’t get me wrong she’ll do a press tour, but that’s someone else being the ad.
Title is weird. She never had an Instagram and I assume she’d need to hire an entire PR team to run the thing. Universal asking her to make one for Jurassic Slop 3 is a bold request.
Or you could read the article to know she’s been on Instagram