This isn’t a show of force, it’s a demonstration for Canada who is planning to buy a number of these submarines from France.
What’s the point of these submarines if there aren’t nukes on them?
to demonstrate (politely) how quickly and quietly they can appear when we need them to. without endangering anyone or raising alarms that allow trump and co to rattle their sabers
i like it, we should be like - “maybe we have nukes, maybe we dont. you wont know until its too late”
Could have imagined this happening as little as 3 years ago.
An ally sending a nuclear deterrent into our waters as a message/warning to the US. This normally happens to countries like Iran or North Korea
Hey. Guess what? At the moment, we’re the bad guys…
At the moment? When was there ever a time the US weren’t the bad guys?
Briefly the us was the good guys when we killed a bunch of slavers and then when we killed a bunch of fascists. Those were exceptions to the rule though.
Looks at founding fathers… Yeah killed the slavers. Puts blanket over Native Indians. Hides Chinese rail workers under rug. Renames Irish “Indentured workers”
Nobody said the founding fathers killed slavers?
Surely you jest in your obtuse interpretation of my composed articulation…
So you at least understand the comment you replied to wasn’t talking about the founding fathers… So why fucking bring them up?