-get install actualleftistparty
Edit: I don’t even use Linux. I’m being infected by your stink.
sudo apt get *
I run as root in my non existent Linux.
sudo apt install actualleftistparty && sudo apt --purge autoremove magats
Hit: 1 in DNC Fetched 60 senators in 16 months Reading policy stances...Done Building volunteer organizations...Done Defending election outcomes...Done 219 house members can be upgraded, type "apt list --rebublicans" to see them. [actualleftist@admin]:
Way too good of an analogy in too many ways.
… the school shooter wasn’t voted class president by the students.
And Democrats aren’t armed or in a position of authority to stop it.
I thought we were going to talk about 3rd parties once it’s not critical to democracy.
When are we going to wise up and realize that people who vacillate between “I won’t vote for genocide” and “why won’t the Democrats save us!?” are a fucking opp designed to kneecap the left?
If you want to not kneecapping the left, you could start by not slurring progressives as “a fucking opp.”
Exactly. Division got us here. Only unity will get us out.
Unity centered around what? The party of the less bad? Of the horrible leadership? The party that only does one genocide? The not Trump party? The party of “we will not trash the economy”?
I could get behind that, but this federation has not been a democracy for a while. Not when you need more states won and several would require United Nations observers if they were countries. So, in some places it’s just a lost cause.
People need to be disabused of the notion this is a fair fight won by normal rules. New leadership and splintering is exactly what is needed.