Please change the community name to moremuskspam to accurately reflect how we’re making shit up now to fill the Internet with more musk spam
It’s a real shame we aren’t allowed to fact check any more, so I have to accept this as gospel truth.
My cousin’s neighbour’s uncle’s boss’ son’s girlfriend’s stepmom saw Grimes on stage in '05.
So it’s carved-in-stone gospel truth.
Oh I see. Revenge porn is OK now. It will definetly convince new people that milionaiers are bad and should be taxed. And totally not make anyone think they are the victim here. But hey what won’t you do for a nice ‘gotcha’ momement for the people who are already convinced that rich people are bad.
Reminder that Grimes is a piece of shit, no matter how cool she tries to look
Looks like the RADICAL LEFT is here to ‘fact check’ again. You lefties will believe anything is made up just because it ‘didn’t happen’. What’s next? The biblenis made up because no global flood or burning bush!?
What is wrong with you?
You think there is something wrong with guzzling buckets of Donalds cum? Well, if that’s wrong, I don’t want to be LEFT!
They are extremely clearly joking
In 1993 that would have clearly been a joke. Nowadays…?
Nowadays, giving multiple clues you’re being absurd, turns out, still a thing
I can’t tell any more
You have to listen to your biblenis
oh yeah, now I remember. not only is this fake rumor but also like 2 years old by now.
Brilliant PR firm move to start making the jokes ahead of time so if the video did get out, people assume it’s a fake. This idea is made less likely by all the other things they haven’t hidden.
Fucker has to ruin everything good. can’t he be into eating plastic wrappers or some fetish that no one else on the planet earth has?
Well, he was friends with Epstein and Maxwell, but I think pedophilia can’t be made any worse.
Obligatory question for those that do not have an account on Twitter: is this real?
I lifted it from mastodon and the same was asked.
I reckon we’re all waiting for someone to taint themselves by descending to twitter to verify.It’s difficult to tell what’s going on, but I don’t think so:
Is she mentally ill or something?
She has multiple children with Elmo, me thinks that already requires a certain state of mind to do