Original title: The Mark Carney era begins with prime minister and new cabinet sworn in today
I don’t know if it violates rules that I modified the title from the article, I’ve seen a lot of questions about when Carney becomes PM and my goal with this post is to increase awareness there.
I’ll be watching or listening on CBC today while working.
Wow, Trump has been pushed off the CBC front page. He will have to have a loud squawk about something or other later to get their attention again.
I wonder which swears Carney will choose during the swearing in ceremony
I’m sorry
CBC is talking about the ratio of men to women in the cabinet: 13 men to 11 women
Do people really care about it being exactly 50/50? Thats only 1 man more than 50/50, seems kind of silly to get worked up about to me.
I’m certainly not fussed over a disparity of few seats; I do get fussed when it’s a blatant sausage fest - there’s more than few capable women in Parliament to choose from, and the incompetent women aren’t more incompetent than their incompetent male peers, so when it’s nothing but men named to cabinet positions except a few token women in appropriately “feminine” roles, I do get suspicious about their overall feelings on women in general.
50/50 is so Trudeau.
Jean Chretien is awesome, love that guy
this will be an interesting couple months