They aren’t the primary villains, but they’re sure as shit the bumbling secondary antagonists.
If there is anything I have learned in my life, it is that fascism can only be defeated through violence. You can’t talk to an ork and convince it that it is doing wrong, you can only chop off it’s head.
Worse imo, the sliding decline in living standards that the neoliberals oversaw is the exact reason why fascism is on the rise. It’s as if Denethor created orcs, because it makes line go up.
Damn Pippin catching some strays here.
I like to think he represents the naive but genuine goodwill of the “blue no matter who” crowd that subscribe to the just world fallacy, believe the Democrats are “doing their best,” and that the system is still capable of self-repair despite those mechanisms having been dismantled decades ago by the capitalists and their captured government.
The I do believe in
fairiesthe benevolence of free market forces neoliberal voter that needs to pretend if they just go to work and keep their head down everything will normalize. If Citizens United didn’t spell out that our current constitutional framework was dead and well into decomposition, you’re hopeless.