Hi all,
a couple of years ago I read an article about how Trump is fulfilling the prophecies related to the antichrist. Ever since he has come to power again, it seems clearer day by day that he is following some form of plan (project 25 just being the obvious one). I was wondering if he could - maybe involuntarily and unknowingly - fullfill the prophecies?
Or do you guys think, the antichrist would be fully away of their purpose and end goal?
Are Trump and Musk fulfilling the prophecies of the endtime?
Sam Altman is the antichrist. He was put on this earth to bring about its end with AI.
S A M U E L = 6
H A R R I S = 6
A L T M A N = 6
And finally, c’mon: “Altman”?? Alt…man???
I rest my case.
I don’t think names hold that much “information”. It’s a nice game to play but doesn’t really mean anything, imho.
Nevertheless, Altman, as THE man related to AI might be important to fulfill the prophecy. But he is neither boastful, nor does he openly lie or deceive. It could be any tech billionaire then, don’t you think? Why not Zuckerburg, who also invests heavily in AI?
Hahaha. He’s not the antichrist. There’s been multiple world leaders around the world and from time that have made same moves such as restricting the border and harsh tariffs to serve politically ideologies. You aren’t the first person to notice it, and you won’t be the last
I’m not saying he is. And yeah sure, Hitler, Stalin, Mao … those could also be seen as the antichrist. But they themselves were not religious, or at least not in a christian sense. Trump and his cronies trying to be seen as “christians” though is something else.
This is the article I was referring to btw: https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/
Crazy link and (IMO) unsubstantiated. If anyone (as a christian) still thinks Trump has their best intentions in mind is a fucking idiot and should have their ability to vote removed and receive a fast track ticket to hell.