To be fair, he didnt say he was against authoritariamism.
Is communism even possible without authoritarianism?
Edit: lol I pissed off the tankies
If everything is shared under communism, that would include political power. thus (imo) communism is a direct democracy.
Edit: forgot what thread I was in. What the hell does communism have to do with US authoritarianism?
Yeah, but humans are awful animals and true communism is a pipe dream.
Seems like all comments here are “whatabout communism”
US being an authoritarian shithole is pretty undisputable reality. It could be preferable to debate the point than outright banning the possibly misinformed, but the assumption of military bot troll propagandist is not unreasonable.
You and I disagree, so it’s obvious you’re just a Kremlin bot account, here to sow discontent.