(fairly recent NewPipe user; ver 0.27.6)

Is there a way to hide particular live streams from showing up on the “What’s New” tab? I found the option in Settings->Content->Fetch Channel Tabs which will prevent all live streams from showing in the tab. But I’m looking for an option to selective hide only certain live streams from the tab.

Some of my YouTube channels have 24/7 live streams (eg Arising Empire), which will always show at the top of the page. But I don’t want to hide all live streams from all channels, since I do want to see if new live streams appear, usually ones that aren’t 24/7.

Ideally, there’d be an option to long-press on a live stream in the tab, one which says “Hide From Feed”, which would then prevent that particular stream ID from appearing in the feed for subsequent fetches.

From an implementation perspective, I imagine there would be some UI complexity in how to un-hide a stream, and to list out all hidden streams. If this isn’t possible yet, I can try to draft a feature proposal later.