People target other person by coming against that person. The reason can be anything.
I am targeted everywhere I go.
Neighbours harass me by spraying chemicals .
I am Shaifali Yadav, I am from Vidisha Madhya Pradesh, India.
My neighbours and other people are torturing me from 2018. I am being harassed from 2012 when I had a job . In 2017 I got laid off because I complained about my team leader for his bad behaviour. After that I decided that I will go abroad or else here in India people will continue to do the same things. So I went to Ireland for my masters . But there also similar thing continued and when I complained about such activities to administrative office, they did not take action against people who were making noise while I used to be in my room or the people (students/teacher and other people ) who were commenting on me indirectly rather than taking action against them ,the administrative office of the University put me in a mental hospital . They kept me there for 21 days and gave me medicine . Then I was send back to India. I came back to India in May 2018. I gave my rest of the exams online from India. I was in tension that whether they will allow me to give exams or not. When I came back to my home town Vidisha , things became worse gradually. Now my neighbours started doing similar things to me. My neighbours comment on me, sprays some chemicals in night and in day time when I try to study something. I can not record them spraying chemicals because they do it from inside their houses. Those vapours of chemicals goes inside my lungs . These neighbours are pyscopaths because they are spraying different chemical each day and night. Because Every chemical has different vapour and has different affect on me. I can not record my neighbour spraying chemicals because they spray from inside their house as a result I can not go to police. From 2018 this racket became more active against me.
They spy on me and passes my information to others , that’s why other people comment on me when I go outside my house.
Even when I apply for job, the people who take my interview are not serious to give me job, they are part of the same racket which is running against me from 2012. My neighbours main motive is that I must not get a good life , I must not get a job . And also these days they are scaring me by passing indirect comments. I have installed cameras outside my home, so I have some recordings of indirect comment .
These are just few ways I told you all but there are many ways by which I am being harassed.
I am being targeted everywhere I go. These things continue wherever I go. When I am outside my home then some people continuously look at me and will start singing. This is happening since 2012 .They will clap their hands or feet. They pass indirect comments without taking my name, they will start saying thing. Sometime men and women try to touch me. The men put their hands on their groin by looking me . These are only few things that I remember.
The neighbours make sound on the wall from their side. At night and in day all the time. Whenever I say something or talk inside my house they make these sounds. The neighbours which are adjacent to me, on the both sides makes some sound on their side of the wall. And the neighbours whose houses are not adjacent they use some type of thing to make sound. That’s how they mentally torture me.
My neighbours keep on troubling me day and night continuously, by passing comments, by honking when they pass in front of my house in and many other ways. People sitting on Vehicles and other people who are walking comment whenever they pass infront of my gate . I can not go to the front portion without any tension. Because when ever I go out neighbours will say something. I can not even go to the roof of my house. When I go to roof ,some or other neighbour will say something indirectly. They give me tension. They will come up on their roof and stare me and then quickly turn away. They will make loud noise by throwing some thing inside their house. Here in Vidisha,Madhya Pradesh ,India, houses are very close .
They keep on troubling me day and night .My neighbours harass me to that extreme extent that I have to say bad words to them . They provoke me , they make me extreme angry by their activities .Sometimes I am not able to control because they provoke me to that extent.I can not explain the kind of torture my neighbours are giving me .
Since they pass indirect comments so it become even more difficult to prove that they harass me.
The above was till 2023.
In 2024 Neighbours have increased their activities . They have started speaking on speakers from inside their homes to harass me, and they make themselves audible to me. The sound of that voice is so low that it is not recorded in CCTV but can be heard. All though I have managed to record few comments. Two houses are adjacent to my house on both sides. And other houses are little away from my house , my house is in the middle .The family members of the adjacent house also speak on speaker in low voice inside their houses. Whenever I speak or do something inside my house, whenever I talk inside my house either on phone or to my Mother they hit their side of the wall by stick , whenever I talk or do anything they hit their side of wall. Even if when I am silent and not doing anything they will suddenly hit their side of the wall with sticks. They make me scare that they are able to listen my conversations. They torture me by scaring me. Even at present when I am writing this post, one of the neighbour whose uncle is patwari is hitting the wall.
To prove me paranoid, when a particular member of their family is not at home, the other member will play the recorded voice of that member , so that I think that member is saying all these things. This is done to prove me paranoid in world’s eyes. They call me “Mummy” and “Bhabhi” (Brothers Wife) from inside their houses. And they say many other things . This is very bad .
The house of my neighbours are not very near (except two houses) .If they speak normally I will not be able to listen their voices that is why they speak on speakers just to make their voice audible. They continuously speak on speakers . They keep on taking each others name, their family members name, and each other family members name they will say something in anger suddenly to scare me and many other things, they continuously make their voice audible to me and whatever I might be doing they will say that particular thing which I will be doing like sitting, eating, keeping things on place etc. Apart from this they make other type of noise (very sharp noise ) with the help of an instrument. Either they speak or they make this noise.They speak in night also when I am trying to sleep. They also spray chemicals even in night time.
The chemical which my neighbourhood people spray during daytime and at night is in either vapor form or gaseous form. I can not see from where it is coming and it directly gets into Throat.
Whenever I speak or do something else then my neighbours hit their side of the wall with stick and they will do very forcefully like they are hitting me. Both of my adjacent neighbour continuously hit on the wall while I am studying, others makes sharp noises and comment. They have also called their relatives for helping them in their activities like speaking on speaker ,spraying chemicals, hitting the wall with sticks, etc .
School Kids of near by Schools and other schools of my locality threw stones at my house in Nov-Dec 2023 in evening continuously for many days.
Their Parents and their school was involved in this .
My neighbourhood families are not scared after posting these, they have increased all these activities. They show me by their activities that they are not scared and they keep on continuing their activities and gradually they increase it to extreme limit. My neighbours also does black magic on me because I feel bad energy all the time . Earlier I used to get only bad dreams but these days I feel negative energy also.
These are various methods for torturing me.
Until the people of the locality make me angry, till then these people continue to spray chemicals ,making sound and commenting from inside their house. They continuously keep on their activities.
I am writing all these thing not to take sympathy but to keep a proof that my neighbours, my college batchmates of various years are involved in these activities against me .
I will keep on updating so that this remains as a proof of the crime which is happening against me .
Update 21 Oct 2024
Neighbours continue to comment from inside their house ,they say Mummy/Bhabhi from inside their houses continuously. They scare me and show me Mother and Kids, put hands on their stomach ,chest and groin, spray chemicals. One of my batchmate, her husband, her friends of 2011 Engineering college are involved in this racket against me. Apart from this many other batchmates /teammates of various colleges and workplaces along with my neighbours are involved in this racket against me. This is going from 2012. There is a huge racket against me and many people are involved in this. The lady who is involved in this racket is from Delhi, she studied in my college Bansal Insititute of Science and Technology, Bhopal . She and her husband is now part of the racket. Her friends are from Bihar, Jharkhand Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh . That lady , her husband , her friends and my neighbours are involved in this racket against me, in which they trouble me by various ways so that I remain behind and they all progress in their life. This lady and her friend hated me from college itself thats why they started taking advantage of me. At present she lives in Sydney, she and her husband along with my neighbours are troubling me a lot especially from 2018. Many of my college batchmates are against me and are with her. All the batchmates which are involved with her are getting good position in career. They all show me people similar to their faces and take their names in market. Similaly my neighbours name are taken when I am outside.
In the video number 3 (link given at the end of the post ) batchmate’s husband is commenting through my neighbours . In the video the man is saying indirectly that my batchmate and her husband came to India in 2022 and in 2024 and they went to Mahakaleshwar ,Ujjain. Such commenting and showing symbols is going from a long time. In entire 2019,2020,2021,2022,2023 and in 2024 such symbols were shown. For example she got married, she had a daughter ,they both have a girl now but now they want a boy, she herself wants to become a manager, she and her husband will become CEO, she has lost weight , grown tall , her husband is growing muscles. She does exercise at home, does yoga , goes for jogging and has now started doing cycling also . In 2024 may be she has learned to ride two wheeler or if she has not learned two wheeler yet then she is learning cycling to finally ride two wheeler. Her husband goes to gym by two wheeler. All these symbols were shown to me when I go outside my home. People who are similar to her husband (whose face and physique is similar to her husband face ) are shown to me in market by riding two wheelers and similarly various other symbols are shown. The people in market show such symbols. Whenever she wants to switch her company , wants a promotions , people start showing me these symbols . I do not know how my neighbours know about her activities. May be somehow through the racket which is operating against me , people gets to know that she or her husband wants to switch or want a promotion. At that time my neighbours and other unknown people trouble me more . In general my neighbours keep on troubling me day and night . Same goes for her other friends who are in America and in India. Her friends who lives in India and in abroad are also troubling me and taking advantage by this racket which is running against me. People take their name. This racket is running against me from 2012 but this lady, her husband, her friends and my neighbours of Vidisha Madhya Pradesh got involved from 2018 when I came here. Many other batchmates does the same to progress in life. People here in India speak the names of my batchmates or show me symbols whenever anybody want to get something. When I write post about her my Neighbours bully me by commenting.
My neighbours have many ways to torture me one by one in an organized manner. They have extreme jealousy towards me and they want only their kids, sisters, brothers, daughters ,sons must progress in life and they should get ahead of me . That is why they keep on taking their kids, sisters ,brothers ,daughters, sons names.
In general my neighbours keep on troubling me continuously by their activities day and night. But when my batchmate ,her husband and other batchmates wants promotions or want to switch company then my neighbours trouble me more. They show me symbols and also keep on continuing their activities such as hitting the wall and spraying chemicals, commenting etc.
Update 25 Oct 2024
After posting on various social media platforms ,uploading videos on youtube , my neighbours have increased their activities .
My batchmate of Engineering college who is from Delhi and lives in Sydney is involved in this crime.