
  • This configuration of the Stremio application will allow you to stream Movies/TV Shows from most devices, with the exception being iOS/iPadOS devices. If you want to stream using those devices (After Configuration) you must add ‘Stremio Web’ to your Home Screen using Safari as Apple devices does not have native support, yet. More information on how towards the end of this guide.
  • Also, this setup guide will require that you use a Mac, Windows, or Android Device. Do not attempt configuration on unsupported devices as they’re unable to manage external addons.


Download Stremio

  1. Windows/Mac - Go to and download the relevant client for your platform
  2. Android - Install Stremio through the Play Store: Stremio - Apps on Google Play
  3. Open Stremio and sign up with Email.


Subscribe To EasyDebrid (ED)

  1. Go to, click the hamburger menu & sign up
  2. Go to Products
  3. Choose EasyDebrid and subscribe.


Configure Torrentio

  1. Go to Torrentio - Stremio Addon
  2. Towards the bottom of the page, select the Debrid Provider option and click on EasyDebrid from the drop-down menu. This will cause a new text box to appear
  3. Find your EasyDebrid API Key - Click on Dashboard and link your ED to your email address by clicking on the Configure button. Once linked, select the blue gear icon and copy your API Access Token - Go back to Torrentio, and paste it into the EasyDebrid API Key box
  4. In the Debrid Options menu: Leave the boxes unchecked
  5. Now Install. It should open the Stremio app and prompt you with an Install Addon window. Click the green install button at the bottom
  6. Uninstall WatchHub, YouTube, & Public Domain Movies from your addons as they serve no purpose and can be safely removed.


  • Upon completion, you may use Stremio on platforms that cannot be used to configure. Such as, Android/GoogleTV, LG TV, & Samsung.
  • For iOS/iPadOS, Add to Home Screen via Safari - Stremio Web and log in. In order to play videos, you must download an External Player such as VLC - App Store or Outplayer - App Store and set one of these as default in Stremio Web - Settings > Advanced > VLC/Outplayer.