If you haven’t already, check the progress of each of the files in the content section. I had a torrent stuck 99.7 for a few days and when I checked the content I found that the actual files of interest were complete and it was just some image files that were keeping the overall progress from hitting 100%
I could use these heroes. I have three files which are stuck at around 99.6% for many months now.
videos? they should totally be watchable at that point.
Yeah… But they’re not complete. I want to archive them.
If you haven’t already, check the progress of each of the files in the content section. I had a torrent stuck 99.7 for a few days and when I checked the content I found that the actual files of interest were complete and it was just some image files that were keeping the overall progress from hitting 100%
Thanks, but sadly it’s the video files missing data.