[Known issues after 2025. 03. 13 Scheduled Update & Changes]
Hello, this is Project Moon.
The following are known issues that have been identified after the 2025. 03. 13 Scheduled Update, and upcoming changes.
We will inform you via update notices as soon as each of the following are fixed.
Please refer below for more information.
▶ An issue where, after using the Skip function in a mid-battle Choice Event, the event BGM does not go away afterward
▶ Changes to the [Deal X+ damage with a single Skill use (damage against Shield HP counts)] achievement
This Achievement measures the amount of damage dealt by the Skill itself.
We apologize for the incomplete and vague description of the Achievement.
Also, as for damages dealt by “Sinking Deluge” and “Time Moratorium” which activate On Hit, they can count as damage dealt by the Skill itself, which means that we will change the conditions so that they will count towards the completion of this achievement.
We will apply the above changes and change the achievement text to clarify and reflect them.
Text changes
- Before: Deal X+ damage with a single Skill use (damage against Shield HP counts)
- After: Deal X+ Skill damage against an enemy with a single Skill use (damage against Shield HP, and damage dealt On Hit such as Sinking Deluge or Time Moratorium counts; excludes damage from Keywords and other sources)
▶ An issue where the Mirror Dungeon Achievement [Kill 6+ enemies with a single Attack Skill use in an Encounter (can use E.G.O Skills)] cannot be completed via Encounters where enemies have Backup units
▶ An issue where the Mirror Dungeon Achievement [Kill 6+ enemies with a single Attack Skill use in an Encounter (can use E.G.O Skills)] cannot be completed when enemies get killed due to reasons other than Skill damage
▶ An issue where the Firefist Office Survivor Gregor’s Uptie 3 animated illustration escapes the borders when displayed on the Window tab
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.