I left Japan in 2008. Phones had had cameras long enough that the makers had to add the can’t-turn-it-off shutter sound because so many chikan were taking upskirt photos on public transport.
Less salaciously, there was also panic about people taking pictures of magazine articles in bookstores and then not buying the magazine. Not sure anyone really would have tried to read an article on those tiny screens, though.
There were no smartphones in the early 2000s though.
I left Japan in 2008. Phones had had cameras long enough that the makers had to add the can’t-turn-it-off shutter sound because so many chikan were taking upskirt photos on public transport.
Less salaciously, there was also panic about people taking pictures of magazine articles in bookstores and then not buying the magazine. Not sure anyone really would have tried to read an article on those tiny screens, though.
This dude’s never heard of Symbian or Blackberry I guess. Or Sony Ericsson and Nokia N*** phones.
You leavin’ out Palm Trēo, punk?