Blobun is an indie puzzle game currently making waves on social media thanks to a joke setting that eliminates its lesbian content. The problem? Blobun protagonist Stephanie is gay, so flipping the so-called “lesbian toggle” in the options menu removes her from the game and renders it totally unplayable.
Bwahaha that’s hilarious, well done team!
“I just wanna play the fuckin game without all this gay lesbian shit!”
[finds toggle]
“Oh sweet, they put a toggle so I can play without weirdass sex preferences shoved down my throat! Thanks, bros!”
[many frustrations later]
devs: 🤭 anime comically evil “huhuhuuuuu!”
This exact thread doesn’t seem to show that level of frustration though, no need to look for gay haters everywhere. I would just consider it a bug if it doesn’t really explain what the option does.
Steam has a big problem when it comes to homophobia (and Transphobia) which Valve refuse to moderate, so no I don’t agree whatsoever. Developers can and should make their games and communities as unfriendly to homophobic and transphobic people as possible.
That’s like saying the internet has big problems with moderation. From my experience, Valve has issues moderating anything on forums. Besides, I insist I don’t see the forum thread screenshot as a proof of hateful content. Buying games tagged with XX and spending time playing them is something that users who hate XX would more likely skip doing.
I don’t think it’s okay to call someone out for finding “gay haters everywhere” when it comes to a community that can be as toxic as gamers. This reminds me of all the toxic Steam forum posts about Webfishing not having a straight tag. It’s not like you have to invent these people, even if this particular thread doesn’t (yet) have them.
My point stands.
Forum user: “there may be a bug with this option or I don’t understand what it means”
Dev: “that’s because that’s how it works”
Comment: “haha, that’s hilarious, gj dev”
No, this is not hilarious (at least not remarkable). Not this particular thread (maybe there are others that are hilarious). Also not a good job if they actually presented it on their Twitter as a “found people who expected to play our game without lesbians” proof. It also doesn’t display the dev talent as it’s very easy to remove objects from a finished game.
Life sometimes involves thinking.
Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?
I don’t even really play PC games and I’m gonna buy this. I love these devs and I love the message.
That’s really good lol
Assuming you can toggle it back on hopefully, if you toggle it out of “wtf?” Curiosity
Now I might buy this game lol
Seriously, this is the best advertisement
I bought the game, even if just to support the devs for being amazing trolls
The devs are plural too and put all their headmates in the credits. We like this a lot.
Yeah! Props also to Ian Walker for being really cool about it and mentioning it. Coco even said Ian was super respectful in email communications
- Phoebe (it/its)
i learned a new term, thanks
If you ever want to dig a little more into plurality, more than one is a great summary of the basics.
- Phoebe (it/its)