Banned last night and all my comments removed for calling out a Zionist troll who FREQUENTLY posts comments trashing Palestinians and celebrating death in the name of Israel.
But I’m the one that gets banned for Checks Notes “Rule 3: No Nazis, QAnon or similar”
What a circus, mods did ZERO due diligence before banning and the Zionists comment remains!
So, one of these 4 is a certified Power Tripping Bastard
Guess I care too much about this platform that I’m willing to call out the scum when I see it and not let it spread bringing us all down in the process
Are there nuances to the word Zionist? I don’t know enough about the culture in the Levant. If you call someone that, you’re assuming other people know what you’re talking about. I strongly suggest you stay away from labels, but call out what they’re actually doing.