“I’d put a stake through her heart and garlic round her neck to make sure she’d never come back”
Did she do any LGBTQ policies or even expressed any LGBTQ related opinions?
Well, I didn’t even know that transgender people existed until my 20’s because of her. Also ‘gay’ was the most common insult throughout my childhood.
She famously banned the concept of gay people from schools https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_28
It seems pretty mild to me to deserve pee related protest.
This is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a reason why her grave may be considered not just Britain’s most popular public toilet.
Yeah I can see why she is hated. But I am asking specifically against LGBTQ since this insult to her is marked LGBTQ
The G in LGBTQ stands for Gay btw
Imagine a boot stomping on Thatcher’s face.
I’m not making a point, it just makes me happy to think about it
That’s a shame, if we could find a way to make her corpse feel pain that would be great.
what did she do? i dont follow other countries politics (unless its literally thrown in my face every time a president does something stupid like what’s happening in the US)
Fucked up unions, fucked up the workers, fucked up villages, fucked up the Queer community, war crimes, tax breaks for the rich, privatised core infrastructure, tried to fuck up the EU…
she did do one good thing though
she died
30 fckn years too late. No accolades for that.
It would be easier to list the things she didn’t do.
Long and short, screwed over a lot of minorities, oversaw a lot of violent conflicts, and reshaped the UK economy and government to benefit the financial sector and ultra wealthy at the expense of everyone else.