that - -yes, that! is a world i wana liv in! <3
jus nice n reasonable peeps-.-, thds vrri comf reality ~ ~ ~
im srrriiiii!!! ;(
i rlli didn wana mek “haha funi crop” my reasoning for crop was dis:
- i pre-set resolution in Krita
- i put bullet point list
- bullet point list extended past bottom and past rightt
- but making text smol would hav less impact
- so i keep it and jus hop peeps r oki with it…
im rlli sori i didn do this to be funi or not funi or anythn.,. .,.- i did it by accident ;( i vrri like -.- -rlli vvririii much srrii i didn mean it pls dun call me a shidlord im not a lord an i dun wana be ;(
No, i honestly think you’ve added value to it - i had to consciously read it.
I was just being facetious :)
if everyone were more like stallman we would have:
- gplv3
- gplv3
- gplv3
- gplv3
- gplv3
- gplv3
We’d have:
- GPLv3
- endless daily political notes
- no browsers, only web pages sent by email and read in emacs
- everything in emacs in fact
- edible toe nails
- horny parrots
- no congratulations for having a baby
- too many notes about the ontology of pedophilia
- some dubious sexual comments at women
The stallman lore is rich and diverse.
holy shit i didn’t know about the edible toenails wtf
stallman’s … very peculiar
I didn’t watch a lot of MLP, but didn’t Fluttershy have very extreme reactions to stuff often, like loudly crying?
no, i dun think so. fluttershy is .-.,.,. fluttershy is vrri like - no she doesn lik bein loud… an she rarely is even if scared… i watch the mlp quite a lil bit so i’d know >~<
I might have been mixing her up with another one. Maybe the Pinkie Pie? It’s been a while, my daughter loved that show when she was very young.
hmm you might be referring to Rarity, the white one with purple hair and fancy dresses n stuffs.
she cries a surprising amount which always felt off to me… ~
How to teach someone to pee softly? Asking for myself.
is that less aggressive/loud pee?
I support the message but that is some atrocious cropping.
- more vegetarians and vore
- less aggressive/loud pee
makes perfect sense to me uwu
We can only wish… what a world that would be owo
r e a s o b a l e r e n t
*pushes up glasses*
I think you mean… reasobale.
fixed, thanks!
Rarity instead
Everything else applies
But clothes are fancier.
I don’t see Rarity abolishing capitalism