The third column is my trust level in ctrl+c on microsoft excel
I am an esteemed gentleman. I see something i want to copy, i make sure i ctrl+c at least 9 times to make sure my clipboard is getting the message.
I installed a kde machine the other day and forgot about the default weirdass clipboard behavior. Thought my keyboard was broken for a minute.
What’s weird with the KDE clipboard?
Trying to copy some text in a Linux terminal and instead just ending a process 🆘
In many cases, perhaps most, you can use Ctrl+shift+c/v to get around this. This muscle memory has caused problems for me because Ctrl+shift+c in Firefox brings up the development console (IIRC) and I haven’t found a way to close that without using the mouse.
Depending on your environment, you may also be able to highlight text, press no keys, and middle click elsewhere to paste.
For this very reason I’ve disabled ctrl shift c in Firefox.
It never occurred to me to even check whether it can be disabled. I suspect you have improved my life and thank you for doing so!
- Highlight, select all.
- Reach for ctrl-c
- Accidentally press ctrl-v.
- I spent all morning writing that. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
I use ctrl-s and ctrl-z for occasions just like this.
Copying doesn’t have visual feedback, which is the issue.
I’d rather cut/paste in old place/paste in new place to get that feedback!
Good old Ctrl+X Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+V.