Does anyone know what’s up with that? Couldn’t find anything via Google. Seems really fishy to me.
Edit: Got the official explanation from the dev on Reddit:
AutoClick Feature of JDownloader works as following. Open the browser and wait few seconds, then take screenshot and search for the Recaptcha click area and auto click on it. Screenshot is needed so JDownloader knows where to click. You can disable this feature, see
On Linux, JDownloader creates screenshot to find out the color of tray area so it can try to find it’s tray icon and calculate the correct background color for transparency. You see the JDownloader icon having white background. You can disable this via Settings->Advanced Settings->Tray.gnometrayicontransparentenabled
According to the audiosex forums (wait wha-), you downloaded the official adware version. Download it from or your distro to get the official ad-free version. Note the “2” at the end of the URL.