I’m adjusting pp_table settings to get most out of my GPU (RX 6800 XT) and it works but every time I restart PC the changes revert back to default. Any idea how I could make them persist?
For me pp_table is located in /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_table
I have to use chmod to be able to make changes:
sudo chmod o+w /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_table
Then I’m able to write in changes with upp:
upp -p /sys/class/drm/card1/device/pp_table set --write smc_pptable/SocketPowerLimitAc/0=312 smc_pptable/SocketPowerLimitDc/0=293 smc_pptable/TdcLimit/0=300 smc_pptable/FreqTableSocclk/1=1350 smc_pptable/FreqTableFclk/1=2000 smc_pptable/FclkBoostFreq=2000
And just in case you’re wondering if the effort even makes sene, yes it does:
Max OC with LACT with max default limits (left) vs max OC with edited pp_table (right) in the picture.
Yes but you misunderstand the issue here. It’s not about whether LACT or CoreCTRL is better. They only allow you to work within the default limits. For example max power limit is 312W on my card and I can only go up to 312W in those applications. By editing pp_table I can increase it to whatever I want. What I’m doing by editing pp_table is going beyond those limits and whether I use one application or another it does not matter. Also I switched from CoreCtrl to LACT because CoreCtrl on GNOME can’t be minimized into tray so it was just annoying.
Also I can edit FCLK, SOCclck, TDC limits, etc… those are things that are not available to be edited in CoreCTRL or LACT or even on Windows in MSI Afterburner or AMD Adrenaline Software.
Basically, I can edit almost all of this to tune my OC as I wish:
My knowledge here is limited so I apologise if I’m not being helpful, but at least in case of Arch there’s a special kernel flag (amdgpu.performancemask iirc) to allow OC of your graphics card, are you passing one in your setup?
I’m on gnome, no issues with corectrl minimising to tray
I’m sorry but I don’t believe you. Maybe you just misunderstand what I’ve meant.
If you minimize it and press Super key, is it shown or it’s completely gone?
Completely gone, only exists as an icon on my top bar
I can click show, get a window, and click hide and it goes away fully
I have it start on boot so my profiles auto apply when I start various apps
Would a screenshot be more convincing?
I also had it start on boot but I never could minimize it to be non-intrusive and from what I’ve researched it’s apparently very known issue in GNOME.
I don’t have this issue with LACT.