The article in question was well sourced, factually accurate, and written by a well-renowned author and journalist whose work appears elsewhere too, regardless of which outlet published it.
Nonetheless, Jordan Lund is once again blindly trusting a pro-zionist conservative outlet masquerading as a bias and fact checker that nothing from anywhere that criticizes the fascist apartheid regime can be reliable 🤦
They allow the BBC.
under 1 day old account… let me check the source
edit: ??? contradictory but i invalidate
Yeah, why wouldn’t they?
There is a link in my previous answer?
Yeah a couple hundreds of people wrote a letter. Very interesting.
Aaaaaah. You’re german. I get it now. Enjoy that thales money while you can lmao
But Thales is French?
who cares? take krupp or nobel, point still stands. You guys clearly have conflict of interest.
Franks are germanix.
That’s a very biased and oriented way of presenting things. Why do you hate arab kids?