From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine.
Fully providing every single need to their people in an attempt to create the most efficient worker possible? It just so happens that their “work” is assimilating people into the hive, but… The methods surrounding their work are pretty nice.
I’m not talking about the method they use to work, I’m talking about the methods they use to facilitate that work. They provide their workers with homes and sustenance. I would expect to put entertainment on that list too if they weren’t cyborgs
At what point did I mention anything about the hive mind being a good thing? The only thing I praised was the fact that the hive provides homes and sustenance for its workers
Yeah, if the Borg weren’t so violent towards non Borg they would be the actual end goal of a lot of nerds. You’re telling me we could be socialist cyborgs in space?
Why do people do this shit to themselves?
I swear if the Borg came down some people would be lining up to join the club.
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine.
They are tech writers, that’s their job
Hey, free healthcare!
Free healthcare, housing, energy… and I won’t have to think anymore, sounds great to me!
Insert robo-eye since the left eye is not perfect 20/20
Anything breaks, we’ll just replace it.
Including the brain. Especially the brain.
Borg-Garek, is that you?
I would be lining up to become part of the Borg tbf. It’s basically giga-socialism
I don’t think you understand what the Borg are about.
Fully providing every single need to their people in an attempt to create the most efficient worker possible? It just so happens that their “work” is assimilating people into the hive, but… The methods surrounding their work are pretty nice.
I mean… the method is basically “join us or die”… I don’t think that’s particularly nice…
I’m not talking about the method they use to work, I’m talking about the methods they use to facilitate that work. They provide their workers with homes and sustenance. I would expect to put entertainment on that list too if they weren’t cyborgs
Amazing. Can’t tell if you’re joking or you are for real.
Amazing. You’ve yet to actually make a point in this conversation, only disparage mine without any counterargument lol
At what point did I mention anything about the hive mind being a good thing? The only thing I praised was the fact that the hive provides homes and sustenance for its workers
That is basically the “but Hitler built the highways” argument.
If it actually worked, it would be really useful for a lot of people (it’s me. I’m a lot of people)
Yeah, if the Borg weren’t so violent towards non Borg they would be the actual end goal of a lot of nerds. You’re telling me we could be socialist cyborgs in space?
But the federation is already socialist.
So? Can’t the Borg also be socialist? We have multiple capitalist groups right here in real life