I did some laundry today. Not everything, as that would be very hard and expensive on account of several factors, but a little, enough that I’m content with it.
I read a newspaper while I waited at the laundromat. There was a lot of stuff there that I didn’t care about in the slightest, but there were a few articles that I found interesting and worth reading. I liked the opinion section in particular.
Also, I managed to not buy chips today. Small steps… I really need to kick this damn habit. I keep saying I need to kick it and then not kicking it… I even walked to the aisle today, I looked at them, I even grabbed the damn chips. But I managed to take control and just… Walk away. Bought some rice and sardines instead. I know that doesn’t sound very appealing or anything, but I liked it. I put some extremely hot hot sauce on the rice but forgot to mix it in. So there was just a little blob of black poison sitting there. I didn’t notice, and just took a spoonful of it and ate it all. I thought I was going to die, but it was actually not as bad as I expected. Maybe somehow the way I ate it just… Didn’t let the sauce touch my tongue or something, I don’t know. It was hot, mind you, but not nearly as hot as I’ve come to expect from that particular sauce. It even tasted kinda good, to be honest. The sauce is what I’d describe as mostly flavourless, it really just tastes like “hot,” if you know what I mean, but that spoonful was kinda tasty. Maybe it was something else, or maybe I just hallucinated flavour instead of pain.
I wore a really cool shirt today. It’s a Hard Rock Cafe shirt I got in Budapest. It has the Liberty Statue on it, it’s super cool. It’s comfortable too.
It was a good day, today.