I know the cars and their brand are trash
Seeing the gentle herd of polygons meander around on grass is surprisingly calming, like a bunch of oddly angular cows
Before all this fascist crap I was excited at the idea of buying the silliest utility vehicle ever made. Too bad they’re not only evil, they’re not even utilitarian.
Oh well.
The soil compaction from these two douchebags driving 6k lb vehicles on grass means that whole area is going to be dirt.
If it starts raining they’re all stuck lol.
Bold of you to assume rain is needed for that.
A slight morning dew?
Was this intended as a joke, or is it just a set of delusional people?
The longer I think of what I just watched, the cringeier I feel. I need a walk of shame.
I wanted to scroll away but I was frozen in a bizarre mix of horror and incredulity.