Title. While doing some other work, he realised that underneath the console where his TV went, there were a bunch of cables from past-inhabitants-of-this-house’s cable TV setups.

He reasoned he’d solve this by sawing off those unseemly white cables, thus opening space for new stuff.

Except… The ethernet cable that connected the internet router to the Switch that routed it all over the house, connecting to our shared family homeserver and such? Yeah, it was also white, and also down there.

So. My dear ol’ dad took a saw to his internet. And chopped it down. Now he’ll need to call someone to run the cables through the walls again (this is Brazil. Walls are solid concrete. Running new cables through walls is NOT easy!)

EDIT: It is fixed. And all it took was me and the technician spending 8 hours running around the apartment, pushing/pulling cables into/from holes in the wall, and yelling “DO YOU SEE ANY MOVEMENT?”