And they you have the real “I’m here to work” truck. Either that or they have a van. Sometimes you see a pickup truck here, but they’re always used by the bosses and inspection.
A real man drives a Suzuki Carry!
edit: image searched “small japanese pickup” on DDG initially… got a whole other set of results 🤣
wdym 🤔
Naturally, I won’t post the relevant screen as they are not blurred out, but you can possibly guess what came up for me…
I have no idea why I got such radically different results. I am in the UK if that changes anything.
If I set my region to the UK (Verenigd Koninkrijk), I get the same results as you
Maybe DDG knows i’m a car enthousiast and you’re… uhhh
Dickgirl with a CDL here: I love pickup trucks, at least anything bigger than a half-ton. You can get a lot of work done, pull a lot of shit and other things with a properly outfitted truck. I’m tired of people pretending like Japanese light trucks have any sort of similar capabilities, capacities, or safeties that half-tons have.
First of all, bed space doesn’t mean jack if you don’t have the suspension to hold it or the brakes to stop it in motion. Then, the engine: half-tons can have 6.7L Diesel engines while Japanese light trucks only have 0.66L engines by Japanese law. Good luck pulling anything with that.
Next, people LOVE to pretend like there aren’t any uses for half-tons meanwhile I used them every day in my road maintenance job. Sometimes medium-duty trucks are just too fucking big for what you want to use them for. Supply runs and picking up trash is easy in a pickup, but annoying as fuck in a dump truck.
If you want to talk about city slickers who have spotless lifted low-profile tires and shit, then sure. But I love me some half-tons and I’m tired of people shitting on them
I think the number of people they kill and the fact that 99.99% of them are used as gender affirming vehicles for cis men or fear totems for suburban white women means we should not have them.
yes, there is a narrow use case. sure. but a sufficiently souped up small truck designed to modern spec without the limits of japanese law would probably do most of that fine, and the ability to do any, or even all of that, is not worth the cost in human lives and greenhouse gasses that these cause.
There are real pickup trucks too, but I don’t see any in this meme and I rarely see them in the street.
australia has them far more commonly than american land yachts. we call them utes rather than pickups though (ute = utility) and mostly they’re driven by tradies (you can guess that one ;p)
Gender affirming care
holy shit pls tell me you made that
The way I see it, if your personal vehicle that you own or rent is tall enough that you need some sort of step type thing just to be able to get in or need to lift your legs more than a couple feet in the air to get in, you are a small child masquerading as an adult. Same thing applies if a 5 year old can stand directly in front of your vehicle and you cannot see them.
Only exceptions are disabled people (you should probably get a lower to the ground vehicle if you’re disabled in a way that makes it hard to climb into a vehicle), and people who are genuinely short (like dwarfism type stuff, in which I question why you have such a tall vehicle in the first place).
the “pushed in muzzle” is because of pedestrian safety requirements ironically
Really? Everything I’ve heard about pedestrian safety suggests that its better to go onto the hood rather than be pushed down and go under the wheels.
It seems like this design would do exactly that, in addition to creating a blind spot directly in front of the vehicle. Though I suppose these trucks are so tall you’re likely to go under anyway.
the “hit em in the fuckin head so they don’t suffer” requirement?
My dad drove an 86 Nissan 720 when I was a kid that looked exactly like the second small truck and I would kill for a modern version. I usually stick stuff in the back of my RAV4 and that mostly works, but there are times I need an open bed and have to rent a pickup. Give the people what they want! Baby trucks!