Reports of a major outage at Spotify spread like wildfire last week. Then a curious picture began to emerge, one of outages only affecting those using modified Spotify apps designed to provide the Premium service at the free tier price. News that the problem has now been fixed and those in need can download new pirate apps, means that many are rushing to do so. Whether that will end well seems to hang in the balance. Could go this way, or could go that.
I really didn’t come here to call anyone out, but I have to say it: you’re either as uninformed as me, or you’re lying. Just searched for this on Google in Firefox.
First result: an almost 1 year-old Reddit post linking an app that isn’t current.
Just to be comprehensive I installed it and tried to run it, but it isn’t compatible with Android 15. Seems like a *piracy-focused person would have known this…?