The Department of Education on Tuesday sent out a notice notifying employees that all offices in the Washington, DC area would be closed for 'security' reasons.
You have 20 years of education to lean on. With how much you’ve been touting that, it’s disappointing you’re still struggling so hard to figure it out.
I’m not having a hard time figuring anything out. You were wrong. Got mad. Got even more mad that I wasn’t mad. And now you can’t let it go. So go on, keep it up. This is fun to watch.
lol now you’re denying. Classic conservative move.
After 20 years in education one would think you’d learn a better way to converse.
What am I denying?
You have 20 years of education to lean on. With how much you’ve been touting that, it’s disappointing you’re still struggling so hard to figure it out.
I’m not having a hard time figuring anything out. You were wrong. Got mad. Got even more mad that I wasn’t mad. And now you can’t let it go. So go on, keep it up. This is fun to watch.
lol you still don’t get it.
At this point I’m starting to think you’re an AI bot because most people with 20 years in the education field would’ve caught on by now.
Actually, you don’t get it. And your rage just won’t allow you to let it go.
There’s that “no u” again. Can’t think of anything else to say?
What do you mean?
Are you saying you’re incapable of understanding what you just did? Wow your lack of self-awareness really knows no bounds huh?
lol now you blocked me so you could have the last word. How childish.