My gender therapist told me this in response to something I said referencing my chest. It was a while ago but it’s stuck with me. I’m wondering what you all think of this comment? The comment felt disqualifying, like I was less male for calling my chest a “breast”, or I would be seen as less male because of it, but I can be pretty sensitive so I might be overthinking and she might be right that men don’t talk like that.

    1 month ago

    Im not trans, so this isnt my space, but I do have a lot of experience being a guy in the US, and can say that women’s bodies or no-no zones for discussion in any meaningful way until you’re married to one. Nothing ever gets referred to in an anatomically correct way. I’m 38 and saying the word “vagina” literally feels bad, like I’ve done something wrong by using the word.

    I dont believe she is trying to invalidate you in any way, but maybe trying to give an earnest piece of advice for someone who missed that particular cultural touchstone.

    In very many ways what you experienced is par for the course as a man, although it is usually not something that would apply to me, and I’m sorry that you’re experiencing this.

    Of course my situation is not your situation, so your mileage may vary. Beat of luck to you.