I love when NPB does this kinda stuff lol
🇨🇦 Geek. Gamer. Data hoarder. Pirate. Eldritch Cultist & Discordian. Polite but says cunt like an Australian. LGBTQ+ Friendly. Punches Nazi’s. Loves tits. 90s/00s Nostalgia Lover. Halloween Fiend. Talks about weird stuff. Go me? Fnord.
I love when NPB does this kinda stuff lol
Probably, but nothings come out yet lol. Andrade’s the type of guy who wants to be on every episode main eventing and can’t get over the fact that he’s a mid-midcard at best guy and cant stand it.
I used to, as I wasn’t comfortable with CLI.
Then yeah I realized how easy it was to use lmao, CLI all day now.
Just had a small house fire, wee! (everything’s good lol)
I’m glad Kyrie was able to overcome her issues, I was worried for a while she’d be on her way out of the business.
Pinning, it shall indeed be the official thread!
I…sorta like it, but I get what you mean. It’s…abnormal.
Ah makes sense, ty!
I’m slow as shit and don’t pay attention the times I watch WWE so I just noticed but when did they switch the ringmats up again? I remember we started on Netflix and the ringmat looked like ad filled shit and now its just a big WWE logo what did I miss lol
With Fletcher having long turned heel, Davis has no ‘place’ right now. He isn’t a dick like Fletcher, he just wants his buddy back so they can team again, but Kyle is past the point of no return. As such Davis has joined the Callis family reluctantly but since he’s not a dick it doesn’t sit right with him, so he’s being slowly corrupted, while fighting back against it and hating it, and its wrecking his shit mentally.
Not a bad idea!
Two weeks in a row Billie’s been around in a cute lil dress instead of her normal clothing or ring gear. Says shes looking for a change and clearly pursuing Mone since Momo showed up, I’m wondering if she’s gonna be sticking around more long term in AEW now instead of Minioning with Athena.
Gonna figure out real quick how to be happy cause AEW ain’t gonna take him back, if he fucks his WWE redemption tour in the arse it’s gonna be back to AAA and the occasional token NWA appearance lol.